Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Hopdog Microbrewery

So I was out on site today for a project near Nowra, NSW and I was told driving back home to Sydney I had to 'hop into' HopDog brewery ( This is a brewery that used to produce 200L and is just in the process of upgrading to 800L... So a microbrewery and I am very greatful for the recommendation!

Why not buy a growler?!?

Those tin things in the back- that's where the magic happens and the yeast is added to the hops to make the thing we love... Beer.

The brewery has on tap all their beers so I got to try 3 of them - the spicy wheat beer (I bought a 6 pack and is in the picture above- not like a Belgium wheat beer and the spicy is just enough to give it a unique flavour), their pale ale (big fruit hops upfront , fantastic) and the red ale (odd first taste then the toffee flavour kicks in and turns into a good beer). I didn't try the brown ale or the chai pale ale (yip as in tea infused beer) With the upgrade to the brewery they were low on stock- otherwise I would buy the pale ale as well.

Two awesome things came out from piping into the brewery- 

1. I got to try a few new awesome beers
2. I got to chat to the guys that make it; man their passion and enthusiasm was unreal! It was a privilege to chat to them.

If you see this in a pub (The SG in the cbd stocks it as a few others in North Sydney) grab one. If you are down that way hop on in... 

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