Monday, 28 July 2014

German Beer - an economists view point on craft beer...

I have a read on many great beer blogs (see my other beer blogs page here) but I never thought I would read the Economist on their views on beer! Turns out they find it a little bland...

The article talks about how Reinheitsgebot, or beer-purity law, is discouraging innovation but many do not want it to change as "thats what people expect". It then discusses how an American has just opened up a brewery bar in Berlin, with the aim of producing craft ales and increase the variety in the german marketplace and to help increase price (as these beers are more fashion concious and therefore can demand a higher price). 

Now, I have had many a discussion with friends over this topic, is craft beer just a fashion craze, and therefore allows pubs to increase prices, or is it actually a taste differentiator / preference for people? I was at Frankies Pizza on Friday night (see blog) and it was awesome, but it was also $9-$11 for a schooner, as much as I loved the place that's crazy prices... 

So simply;

Do I, and many of you, only drink craft beer to be different to the person sitting beside me drinking a Carlton/Corona/etc?  

Sure hope not...

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