Thursday, 26 February 2015

A conversation about Knappstein Reserve Lager

So a friend asked if I had tried Knappstein Reserve Lager yet, and while I knew of it, I hadn't tried it before. So at the weekend, on a trip to the Boathouse in Palm Beach, I spotted it on the beer list so ordered one. Unknown to me, my friend had just picked up a four pack and I thought I would share our thoughts on the beer as we emailed each other about it!!!...

It's a hot day, and sitting at the Boathouse in Palm Beach with this beer is a good thing...
Well firstly, I am slightly surprised it is advertised as a Lager, especially a Bavarian Style Lager - this is more like a pale ale lager mix to me - and my friend shared the view that it is isn't what you would describe as a typical lager. 

The first thing we said to each other about the beer was the smell - it has a distinct white wine smell over a beer - hardly surprising considering it is Knappstien! 

The beer itself was again, like the smell, really interesting (think peaches etc) and has a smooth light body which makes it a great hot weather drink. The beer offered little head (me and my friend sniggered like little boys at this comment but you know what I mean - the head disappeared quick style on this lager) and it left a residual taste of a mix of white wine and an ever so slight hoppy bitterness. While I stopped at one of these as I enjoyed it, but didn't love it, my friend went for a second as he was raving about it. After the second, he slightly altered his view - while he liked it, he said two was the max he could have in a night. 

Maybe this change of view sums up the beer - an unusual lager that sums up all that is awesome about craft beer - a 'thirst' by beer makers to make beers that are different and make the beer part of the conversation opposed to being something to sip while having a conversation. I am sure this is a beer that many will love and many, like me, love to have tried and tasted... 

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