Friday, 3 April 2015

Murray's Fred IPA

Hi Fred, my name is Neil, I think we are going to be seeing a lot of each other...

EVERYONE, NEWS JUST IN, I think I have a new favourite IPA. I bought a long neck of this as a last minute addition in the bottlo and thank goodness I did!

What a beer! So what I love about it is that it is so moorish- i.e. there are a numbers of flavours to this beer but none are too strong so you keep wanting more and more... It's a great half way house between a strong IPA and a session beer - the light flavours, medium body and gentle finish offers an after taste of citrusy hops and light fruit flavours!

Beer and sport, thats a combination that works!

Golden Bavarian wheat beer style colour
I went to the bottle shop during the weekend and bought another long neck to confirm my views, as boldly claiming a new IPA champion is a big thing, and I have to say, it totally is the IPA King. Medium body, light sweet fruity upfront taste is balanced with a bitter finish to give the offset and balance the beer needs. I think the saison phase that Australia went through this summer has made brewers alter their IPAs - less about the "how much hops can i fit into a beer" to "how can I big up the fruity hops and offset it to give a balanced beer". 

Honestly guys and girls, demand this beer in your bottlo and in your local, it's a goody... 

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